Church Planting

Cross-Cultural Ministry at Home

Someone has started a Facebook group for debating current issues in our community. It’s a church planter’s dream, because it regularly confronts me with the reality that people think very differently

What Keeps a Church Planter Going?

It happens to most church planters. At some point, you wonder what possessed you to think you could start a church from scratch. All churches are fragile, but an infant church is especially

Can’t Quit, Won’t Quit

As a church planter, I don’t get discouraged often. One day, though, I wanted to quit. I thought of my brother, who told me that he doesn’t have any job-related stress.

Three Avenues to Joy

When I look back at what I’ve experienced in church planting these past two or so years, three joys stand out: 1. The joy of risk — There’s something joyful about sticking