Everyone’s doing the year-end thing. I won’t too much – but I have to reflect a little on the year that has passed. 2002 has been one of those years that has been good, but I wouldn’t want to repeat it. I’ve moved, and I’ve grown. That’s not always the easiest process. At church, we’ve seem some massive changes. Not everyone’s been happy; we’ve lost a lot of people, and gained a lot as well. Transition is tough on everyone. It’s been stretching. We’ve made progress, but there’s no question that 2002 was a tough year for our church. I heard someone say that I’m helping to transition a church, but we weren’t quite there yet. That’s probably a very accurate statement. Sometime this year, I got my second wind. Preaching had become tough for me. Now, I love it again. I’ve also been stretched by the whole modern/postmodern thing. I’m not sure if I fit neatly into one category, but some of the modern approaches and styles were frustrating me, but I couldn’t see a better alternative. That’s starting to change. That’s been reflected a little in my preaching, a lot more in how I see church/spirituality. Family’s been great. Even when it’s hard, there’s nothing that beats coming home to a 3-year-old son who can’t wait to see you; an 8-year-old girl who can’t wait to talk, and talk, and talk; a wife who still sometimes laughs at my jokes. We had two floods in our basement this year. A big hassle, a lot of disruption – but worth it in the end. New carpet, new tiles, etc. A lot like the year – a hassle, but worth it. Who knows how many floods 2003 may hold?

Darryl Dash

Darryl Dash

I'm a grateful husband, father, oupa, and pastor of Grace Fellowship Church East Toronto. I love learning, writing, and encouraging. I'm on a lifelong quest to become a humble, gracious old man.
Toronto, Canada