We don’t want to die

This post is from the defunct blog “Dying Church”

I heard two C.S. Lewis quotes recently on how hard it is to die to self. We'd settle for a little change rather than the death and new life that Christ offers:

I think that many of us, when Christ has enabled us to overcome one or two sins that were an obvious nuisance, are inclined to feel (though we do not put it into words) that we are now good enough. He has done all we wanted Him to do, and we should be obliged if He would now leave us alone. The Christian way is different; harder and easier. Christ says 'Give Me all. I don't want so much of your time and so much of your work. I want you. I have not come into your life to torment your natural self but to kill it.'
Darryl Dash

Darryl Dash

I'm a grateful husband, father, oupa, and pastor of Grace Fellowship Church East Toronto. I love learning, writing, and encouraging. I'm on a lifelong quest to become a humble, gracious old man.
Toronto, Canada