First residency done
My brain is dead and I can’t wait to get home. These couple of weeks have been really good. I’ve learned tons. Picture being in a room full of pastors for two weeks, including three days of listening to 25 sermons. Not an attractive picture, is it? Here’s the surprise: it was great. I haven’t laughed so hard in a long time. Serioiusly laughed. These aren’t stuffed shirts, and Haddon beat the preacher talk out of us. I’ve made some pretty significant friendships. We’ve been rooting for each other. Today, one of the speakers was struggling to get through her stuff. You could sense everyone rooting for her. One guy just got up and stood beside her and prayed. I’ve rarely sensed the kind of support and rapport that’s developed among us. I can’t say enough about Haddon. He not only knows how to preach, but he knows how to teach it to others. He cares about us, and he’s more real than anyone else I’ve met his age. We may be the last cohort he teaches. What an incredible privilege. I’m off to bed. One more day in Boston before I get to see my family.