New! Golden Oreos

A couple of years ago, Girl Guides switched their cookie manufacturer. You just don’t do that. Changing Girl Guides cookies is kind of like…I don’t know, moving from Movable Type to WordPress or Fusion Publisher or something. It’s bad. You just don’t do it. Supposedly, it had to do with peanut allergies. Now, I’m not as insensitive on the whole matter as Scott, and I sympathize with those who have peanut allergies. But could you not find a way to continue delivering the good stuff, allergies or no allergies? So they came out with new cookies from a different, peanut-free manufacturer. The new ones aren’t completely without merit – if you enjoy eating chalk. They’re so bad I gave them to my kids as a punishment. Tonight, I discovered that Mr. Christie (maker of the old GG cookies) has come out with New! Golden Oreos. Guess what they taste like? Happy days are here again. I guess the non-compete agreement has run out. All vanilla; no chocolate to go through just to get to the white ones. I feel a little guilty that I’m not supporting those girls, but I’m feeling pretty good otherwise. 1.0kg of cookies sitting right in front of me. Yes, I’ll share. Come on over.

Darryl Dash

Darryl Dash

I'm a grateful husband, father, oupa, and pastor of Grace Fellowship Church East Toronto. I love learning, writing, and encouraging. I'm on a lifelong quest to become a humble, gracious old man.
Toronto, Canada