I switched

It was a throw-away comment that did it in the end:
I had to use a PC today in order to run Exact Target to do a mailing. I was stunned and astonished at how much the experience has degraded since my last exposure. There were dozens of pop ups and flashing lights and buzzers and it was awfully frightening.
Yes! I’ve been fighting Windows for a long time, and I haven’t been winning. I can handle most problems, but eventually they wear you down and you give up. I’ve wanted to switch to Mac for a long time. The hardware isn’t expensive, contrary to what you’ve been told, but it is a bit of a pain to switch. The more stuff you’ve got on Windows, the more the hassle. Well, I’m doing it. So far I love the feel of OS X. I keep discovering new things and think, “Why doesn’t Windows do that?” It’s elegant and it just feels better. There. I’ve done it. I have a feeling I’ll be posting a lot of PC stuff on eBay pretty soon.