Lousy raccoons
A couple of weeks ago we found shingles on our driveway, never a good sign. I did a temporary fix, but the fix wasn’t good enough to keep the rain from getting into our house yesterday. We found a good contractor and the problem is fixed. The problem: stupid raccoons trying to get into our house. Those raccoons just cost me more money than I like to spend on even animals that I like. And I don’t like raccoons. They didn’t get into the attic, and I’m glad. Raccoons can do a lot of damage once they’re inside. Toronto has taken away all the fun and it’s not easy to legally trap them or shoot them, although it’s okay to drive them away with talk radio. Not long ago someone with PETA tried to sign me up. She asked, “Do you like animals?” I wish I had said, “Depends how they’re cooked.” If these raccoons come back I’m firing up the BBQ and getting some good sauce ready.