Eight years at Richview today

On July 2, 1998, I began as the young new pastor at Richview. I remember the excitement of a fresh new assignment, and also the nervousness.

Nobody calls me the new young pastor anymore. I’m the second-longest serving pastor at RIchview, although my tenure so far is a fraction of my predecessor’s, who broke the mold of short tenures at Richview, and in many ways made the church what it is.

Statistically, I shouldn’t have lasted. When you follow a long tenure, you’re only supposed to last a year or two. We’ve had our adjustments, but I’m still here.

Pastoring is a lot like marriage. There’s lots of give and take, and you need to grow up along the way. And, like in marriage, even when you’re sure you’re right, you’re also a little bit wrong. Most of all, it involves moving from an immature love to something much deeper and that you wouldn’t trade back for the world.

I’m grateful. Richview has been patient and flexible when needed. When we’ve had bumps (any pastor who says he hasn’t had bumps is lying), there has also been lots of love. I have a predecessor with a good track record who is supportive, and lots of people at Richview who are praying for me.

I guess the ninth year begins today. It’s no longer a fresh new assignment, but it’s a good one. And I’m looking forward to what lies ahead.

Darryl Dash

Darryl Dash

I'm a grateful husband, father, oupa, and pastor of Grace Fellowship Church East Toronto. I love learning, writing, and encouraging. I'm on a lifelong quest to become a humble, gracious old man.
Toronto, Canada