My four biggest post-T4G questions

Just thinking:

One: T4G and The Gospel Coalition have brought together evangelicals (mainly Calvinists) with different views on polity, baptism, and charismatic gifts. However, the diversity does not extend to gender roles and Calvinist vs. non-Calvinist soteriology. Is a Gospel movement possible that allows diversity in these areas of doctrine within the broader evangelical movement? (Editorial comment: I still have hopes for a wider evangelical coming-together around the Gospel.)

Two: The issue of cultural engagement was largely absent from T4G, although it appears to be much stronger in The Gospel Coalition. I was pleased that T4G gave out copies of Carson’s book Christ and Culture Revisited, with focuses on this issue. Will movements like T4G focus mainly on soteriology, or will we tease out the implications of Gospel relating to issues of justice and the cultural mandate?

Three: I loved being at T4G, yet it was definitely a cross-cultural experience. Will we see Canadian and other contextualized expressions of Gospel movements? Louisville is a long way from Toronto, geographically and culturally.

Four: I just noticed Ligon Duncan is one of the four founders of T4G, and is also involved in The Gospel Coalition. How can both organizations learn from and help the other?

Darryl Dash

Darryl Dash

I'm a grateful husband, father, oupa, and pastor of Grace Fellowship Church Don Mills. I love learning, writing, and encouraging. I'm on a lifelong quest to become a humble, gracious old man.
Toronto, Canada