My Favorite Sermon Podcasts

Five days a week in the gym, in the car, and sometimes when doing chores around the house, I have my iPod plugged in. I don’t listen to music nearly enough, and it’s the fault of the following people. I find their sermon podcasts genuinely helpful.

  • Redeemer – This is the only preaching I subscribe to outside of iTunes, although I’m hoping they make the switch one day. Tim Keller and friends are always worth listening to.
  • New City Church – Tullian Tchividjian’s recent series on Jonah was outstanding.
  • Imago Dei – Rick McKinley’s crowd is different from mine, but Rick is always solid and he occasionally blows me away.
  • Steve McCoy – Steve is a good example of someone who is currently engaged in church revitalization, plus he’s a good guy.

Some new ones I’ve been listening to lately:

  • Sojourn Community Church – A church that’s really taken off in Louisville, Kentucky
  • The Village Church – I’d heard of Matt Chandler, but it wasn’t until Steve McCoy mentioned them that I began to listen to his preaching.

I also subscribe to the following, although I don’t always get to listen to the entire messages:

  • Mars Hill Seattle – I occasionally check out what’s happening there.
  • The Meeting House – Bruxy is a very good teacher. Different theology than mine, different approach, and different crowd, but I love his teaching.

Are there any that you’re listening to that I should check out?

Darryl Dash

Darryl Dash

I'm a grateful husband, father, oupa, and pastor of Grace Fellowship Church East Toronto. I love learning, writing, and encouraging. I'm on a lifelong quest to become a humble, gracious old man.
Toronto, Canada