Two Things Pastors Need
Every year around this time, a small group of graduates from a D.Min. program gather in Wisconsin for a week. We typically arrive on Monday night, and spend Tuesday to Friday working through a book of the Bible with a commentator. It’s one of the highlights of my year, and I prefer it to any conference I’ve ever attended.
I think I like it for two reasons.
One: we spend intense time in the Word. It’s kind of a study week for future preaching, but I find myself refreshed as we spend a week digging into Scripture. I’m starved for this.
Second: we spend time together. Pastors need other pastors. I’m greatly encouraged as we spend time during the week. There’s something about being with others in ministry, especially when you remove the pressures of performance and competition.
Pastors need both of these: time in the Word with others who love the Word, and time with other pastors who know what it’s like. If you’re a pastor, I pray that you’ll experience this. It’s harder to find than a conference (as good as conferences can be), and much more valuable.