Saturday Links
Some Quotes from “Movements That Change The World”
It does not take vast amounts of money to fill a nation with the knowledge of the gospel. What it takes is ordinary people, on fire with the love of Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, who are willing to tell their families, friends, and casual acquaintances what God has done for them.
The Way to Get Big is to Go Small
While most pastors are considering ways to get a bigger church, the key to true success is to go smaller. In the end, if you get the small things right, global impact will eventually come. When it comes to church transfusion, you must begin by planting health in the smallest unit of church life–the disciple in relation to other disciples. If you can’t multiply at that level, you will never multiply at any larger and more complicated level.
Gospel, Planting and City Resources
One of my hopes for this space is to serve those that are looking to grow in one or more of the following areas:
#1 Understanding of the fullness of the gospel of Jesus and its relevance to every corner of our lives. The implications of the cross extend into the nitty gritty of our present and future.
#2 The practicalities, challenges and glories of local church planting. (e.g. resources, lessons learned, mistakes to avoid, best practices, interviews and more)
#3 The ins-and-outs of urban ministry. (e.g. cost-of-living, mobility, housing, family life, mission, apologetics, and more)
As such, I have set-up three individual pages that deal with these issues, in particular.
Opening and Closing the Door: Thoughts on Conclusions and Introductions
You cannot introduce a person you have not yet met, nor can you accurately present a sermon that has not yet been birthed. In fact, starting with your introduction may lead you to veer away from the intention of the text to simply match your introduction.
6 Changes in 6 Years of Blogging
- Content curation and content creation have come together.
- Engaging with commenters is no longer as important.
- FaceBook and Twitter matter more than other blog links.
- Blog “neighborhoods” have developed.
- Blogs are valuable to mainstream news websites.
- Theological blog tribes have solidified.
What would I do if I was falsely accused of sexual immorality?
To make it more personal, what if I was wrongly accused of sexual immorality? What would I do? How would I hope I’d react?
Free Audiobook – What Is the Mission of the Church?
Addressing mission, evangelism and social justice, two pastors draw readers to the Bible’s teaching on some contentious matters. Readers in all spheres of ministry will grow in their understanding of the mission of the church and gain a renewed sense of urgency for Jesus’ call to preach the Word and make disciples.