Wait for the Lord

When I began to sense last year that we were about to make a transition in our lives and ministries, but the details weren’t clear, I set Psalm 27:14 as the background on my iPhone.

I tend to have a hard time waiting. This verse sustained me and reminded me to be patient and courageous as we faced delays and setbacks that were sometimes more than we’d anticipated.
I was tempted to switch the background of my iPhone recently. Around that time I entered a new period of waiting. I thought we had a green light to proceed; the green light turned to yellow and sometimes red, still occasionally flickering back to green.
I’m good at some things. Waiting isn’t one of them. “Nothing is more difficult than to give God the honor of relying upon him, when he hides himself from us, or delays his assistance,” writes Calvin. This is a something I’m finding to be true.
One night recently I heard five sermons on Psalm 27. Five! Maybe God is trying to teach me something?
This verse is still on my iPhone. It reminds me that I still have some distance to go as I learn to wait on God.
Wait for the LORD;
be strong, and let your heart take courage;
wait for the LORD!
(Psalm 27:14 ESV)