Make It Harder to Access Porn

I remember someone asking Haddon Robinson about issues that pastors need to address. He thought for a minute before replying that pornography is a big issue in our churches. Many men – and women too – are struggling with this issue, and we ignore it to our peril.
There are lots of ways to address the porn issue. But one step that I’d encourage everyone to take is to make it harder to access on your computer, tablets, and phones.

Last year I installed OpenDNS on my home network. It was relatively easy, and I really like its parental controls:
OpenDNS is the only Internet parental controls solution that empowers parents to manage Web access across every device that accesses the Internet on your home network. This includes phones and computers that your kids’ friends bring into the house, giving parents peace-of-mind that their kids are protected regardless of how they’re accessing the Internet.
There are lots of good services out there, but I haven’t found anything that works better than this one.
I’ve also installed X3Watch on my devices, including my iPhone.
We face unparalleled access to inappropriate material. I highly recommend OpenDNS and X3Watch as options to make your online access a little safer.