Saturday Links

Six Resolutions For Living in Light of the Gospel

  1. Resolve to rejoice always in the Lord
  2. Resolve to be known for gentleness
  3. Resolve not to be anxious about anything
  4. Resolve to think holy thoughts
  5. Resolve to learn the secret of contentment
  6. Resolve to grow in the grace of gratitude and courtesy

Tim Keller’s Top 10 Evangelism Tips

A while ago on our elder retreat we listened to a talk Tim Keller gave at Lausanne. As part of that talk he gave 10 tips to help our lay folk in their evangelism. They were so helpful I wanted to put them down somewhere, so here they are…

Cheap Law

In Matthew 5, Jesus shows unambiguously that the greatest obstacle to getting the gospel is not “cheap grace” but “cheap law” — the idea that God accepts anything less than the perfect righteousness of Jesus.

Gospel Hospitality

In light of the gospel, we might define hospitality as the creation of a space that allows people to BE themselves, to BECOME renewed, and to DO the works God has saved them for. When we properly exercise hospitality, we welcome people to be themselves in the warmth of the light of Christ, to become renewed by being changed by the work of Christ, and to do works we have been created for in Christ.

Today Was Supposed to Be My Wedding Day

May 26, 2012. It was supposed to be a momentous occasion—the day I would walk down the aisle in my mother’s lace wedding gown, peonies in hand, best friend at my side, family and friends looking on with joy. It was supposed to be the day I started a new chapter, the day my dreams would be fulfilled. Little did I know, God had other plans.

Seven Keys to Preventing Pastoral Burnout

Every pastor with whom I spoke had experienced some level of burnout. And so they spoke from the voice of experience when they shared with me what they do to prevent burnout today. I aggregated their responses to seven keys to preventing pastoral burnout, not in any particular order or priority.

Five Lessons I Learned From Church Planting

  1. Prepare to Sacrifice
  2. Develop Leaders Slowly
  3. Get Wisdom
  4. Talk About Money
  5. Write Things Down

12 Church Planter Resolutions I Wish I’d Made As A Young Church Planter

10. Become famous for your generosity. Set up an initial budget that gives away 15% locally to others. That is not that difficult to do in the first couple of phases of your church’s history, but will become increasingly challenging as you add staff and facilities come into the picture. Agree among yourselves as leaders that that percentage is irrevocable. Consider writing that agreement into your constitution even! It will change the destiny of your church.

10 Ways Fear Robs Me

I believe that people have power over me. Power to wound, expose, shame, injure, and expect something I’ll never be able to deliver. The thought of disappointing you all makes me want to run and hide. I am caught between the rock of their approval and the hard place of their rejection.
I’ve sought refuge under the radar. My fear robs me daily. Here are 10 ways it does so.

How to Speak More Strategically

There was some good news in my experience of talking less: I listened more. And listening, it turned out, was a much more productive way to achieve my speaking objectives than speaking.
When I listened, I helped myself, helped others and built relationships at least as effectively as I did speaking and with much less collateral damage.

Faking Success

There’s a huge difference between acting successful and BEING successful.

Take Back Your Life in Seven Simple Steps

This week I’m turning my focus to how to wrest back control of your attention, so you can make conscious choices that provide long term satisfaction rather than instant but fleeting gratification.
Darryl Dash

Darryl Dash

I'm a grateful husband, father, oupa, and pastor of Grace Fellowship Church East Toronto. I love learning, writing, and encouraging. I'm on a lifelong quest to become a humble, gracious old man.
Toronto, Canada