Saturday Links

5 Things I Wish I Had Known as a Young Pastor

  1. You are pastoring a parade.
  2. The people who demand the most serve the least.
  3. You will see ugly behavior.
  4. You are irreplaceable (but not at church).
  5. Preach the Word.

The “Mega-Problems” of Mega-Churches

A great list of characteristics to avoid in churches of any size:

  1. Consumer-Oriented Structures
  2. Celebrity-Driven Culture
  3. Sunday-Centricity
  4. Inward-Focused Financial Structures
  5. Seating over Sending

Ask for Tolerance

If you’re placed in a situation where you suspect your convictions will be labeled intolerant, bigoted, narrow-minded, and judgmental, turn the tables.

My 40 Day Experiment Without Social Media Apps On My Phone

I know taking my social media apps off my phone hardly constitutes as a revolutionary act, but it was my own experimenting with change. Since I love technology, and since I’m immersed in it — I’m trying to place healthy boundaries around it so that I can dictate how I use it, rather than the other way around.

How To Diffuse A Bad Idea

  1. Immediately address the potential merits of the idea.
  2. Offer up a way to turn the idea in a more productive direction.
  3. Have a rule that no one can shoot down an idea without offering an alternative or building on the existing idea.
  4. Refocus on objectives.

Are You Future-Focused or Present-Focused?

When you have work to finish, be future-focused. When your work is done and it’s time to relax, be present-focused.

Top 200 Church Blogs

There are hundreds of great church blogs and ministry blogs to read, but do you ever wonder which church blogs everyone else is reading?
I do, which is why we have compiled a list of the world’s top church blogs.
Darryl Dash

Darryl Dash

I'm a grateful husband, father, oupa, and pastor of Grace Fellowship Church East Toronto. I love learning, writing, and encouraging. I'm on a lifelong quest to become a humble, gracious old man.
Toronto, Canada