The Big Story: Creation (Genesis 1)

Big Idea: Creation teaches us that God is sovereign and active; this world was made good; and we have a purpose.
We Need to Know the Storyline
You may have heard the news that Gwyneth Paltrow confessed to struggling to make sense of Iron Man 3 after reading the script. “I find it difficult to follow the plot on paper – who’s getting shot off of what, who’s bad, who’s good – it all gets very confusing.
This is how many of us live our lives. We are part of a bigger storyline. It is crucial that we understand the overall plot, and our part in it.
The Storyline in Four Parts
Creation, Fall, Redemption, Restoration
What Creation Teaches Us
We learn three things that are crucial for living well as part of the storyline:
1. Something about God
“It is no surprise that God is the first sentence of the Bible.” (Derek Kidner). This story, this book, is about God, and it is impossible to understand life apart from Him.
God exists (to not believe in God is as much an act of faith); is sovereign (not a single atom outside his control); God is active.
“God is not a character in your story. You are a character in God’s story.” (Justin Buzzard)
2. Something about the World
It is good.
Think of your favorite food. Steak perhaps. Or Thai green curry. Or ice cream. Or homemade apple pie. God could have just made fuel. He could have made us to be sustained by some kind of savory biscuit. Instead he gave a vast and wonderful array of foods.
Food is a central experience of God’s goodness …. The world is more delicious than it needs to be. We have a superabundance of divine goodness and generosity. God went over the top. We don’t need the variety we enjoy, but he gave it to us out of sheer exuberant joy and grace. (Tim Chester)
Part of this good is our enjoyment of God.
“Human history is the long terrible story of man trying to find something other than God which will make him happy.” (C.S. Lewis)
3. Something about Us
We were made in the image of God. Out of all the religions and belief systems in the world, only the Bible teaches that we were made in the image of God. “You are the result of the attentive, careful, thoughtful, intimate, detailed, creative work of God.” (James Hufstetler)
We have purpose. We are ruling on his behalf.
How Creation Fits with Christmas
Today’s theme: Peace. We live in a world where God often seems distant and powerless; the world doesn’t seem good; where we are unsure of our dignity and purpose. He came to restore peace.
“Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!”
Luke 2:14)