Saturday Links

My Ministry Is Harder Than Yours! (And Other Lies We Tell)

So, please, let’s not compare our ministries on who has it toughest. I promise not to if you don’t. Let’s just get behind one another in concerted prayer and support. Let’s get rid of this spiritual one up-manship and face the facts that it’s all a privilege anyway.

20 Great Questions to Evaluate A Church or Ministry Event

Leadership Questions (to be used by staff to evaluate events or projects)

6 Questions to Ask Before You Share the Gospel

  1. Getting to know you: “Who are you?” Questions
  2. Values/Beliefs: “What do you believe?” Questions
  3. Definitions: “What do you mean?” Questions
  4. Loosening: “Why?” Questions
  5. Permission: “May I?” Questions
  6. Response: “What will you do with this?” Questions

3 Critical Truths About Our Money

  1. Money problems usually come from money idolatry.
  2. Only an experience with the gospel changes our heart’s attitude toward money.
  3. People who ask, “How much do I have to give?” don’t get it.

7 Suggestions NOT To Do When the Church is in Decline

  1. Blame others
  2. Make excuses
  3. Pretend
  4. Lower expectations
  5. Cut expenses
  6. Overreact
  7. Give up

Seven Ways Pastoring Has Changed in Thirty Years

  1. Thirty years ago, most people in the community held the pastor in high esteem.
  2. Thirty years ago, most people in the congregation held the pastor in high esteem.
  3. Leadership skills are required more today than thirty years ago.
  4. Interpersonal skills are required more today than thirty years ago.
  5. Outreach was accomplished by getting people to come to church services thirty years ago
  6. Thirty years ago, there were very few “nones.”
  7. The Internet and social media have made pastoring much more challenging than it was thirty years ago.

3 Opportunities That Arise From Limited Resources

  1. You get to be a better steward.
  2. You get to be more strategic.
  3. You get to be more creative.
Darryl Dash

Darryl Dash

I'm a grateful husband, father, oupa, and pastor of Grace Fellowship Church East Toronto. I love learning, writing, and encouraging. I'm on a lifelong quest to become a humble, gracious old man.
Toronto, Canada