Saturday Links
Links for your weekend reading:
Why Playing it Safe as a Pastor Is the Riskiest Move You’ll Make
In ministry, risky is the new safe.
Church should be a place where messy people feel comfortable. When I say “messy people”, I don’t mean people who are willfully engaging in unrepentant sin. I mean people who are seeking to follow Jesus, but who often find themselves struggling, and falling, and failing. I’m talking about the weak, weary, and worn out.
One challenge that every pastor must deal with is how to relate to the culture. While much could be said about this topic, and while I’m no cultural guru, I would like to highlight three convictions for ministering in today’s world.
Same-Sex Attraction in the Church
There are a number of things churches can do to help Christians with SSA…
Be More Specific Than “Points” or “Things”
The craft of communicating with speech and writing requires words, so if that’s your craft, you’ll want to develop your ability to use words well.
The One Thing We Need to Organize is The One Thing We Overlook
If your goal is long-term impact, order your private world.