A Year of Books on Pastoring

If you want to grow as a pastor, I’d like to invite you to a year of reading books on pastoral theology with me.
If you join, you will commit to reading six books with me this year and participating in the Facebook Group. If you join, I want you to participate. No lurkers!
Here’s how it will work.
First, join the Facebook group. Feel free to post there with observations, questions, and reflections on the books as we read them. Click on this link and request to join the group, and I’ll add you. Again: no lurking!
Then, follow the schedule. I’ve included a schedule below. I’ve tried to pick a good selection of books, all well recommended, that approach pastoring from different angles.
On the last full week of the month, I’ll post a review along with some highlights from that book.
My hope is that we will all grow as pastors this year by reading and reflecting on these books. I’d love for you to join me.
You in? Join up the Facebook group and start reading. I’m looking forward to this.
- February — The Imperfect Pastor by Zack Eswine
- April — The Reformed Pastor by Richard Baxter
- June — The Pastor: A Memoir by Eugene Peterson
- August — The Work of the Pastor by William Still
- October — The Pastor’s Justification by Jared C. Wilson
- December — Ordination Sermons (PDF) by Andrew Fuller