Knowing and Enjoying God

I’m a fan of habits. Because we live a good part of our lives by habit, it’s important that we build habits that help us pursue God. I agree with David Mathis:

Your perseverance, under God, is in your habits. Heaven and hell hangs on habits. Show me a man’s habits, and you’ll give me a glimpse into his very soul. The habits you develop and sustain today will affect whether you persevere till the end or make shipwreck of the faith.

Simply put, your habits are one of the most important things about you.

We need books like A Habit Called Faith by Jen Pollock Michel, Habits of Grace by David Mathis, and more. I’ve even written a couple.

We also need books like Knowing and Enjoying God by Tim Challies, with graphics by Jules Goblin.

Like A Habit Called Faith, Knowing and Enjoying God is a devotional book. It’s based on the square quotes that Challies and Goblin have developed over the years.

Pick up the book and you’ll find a curated quote in a graphic format, along with a short devotional written by Challies. Each devotional takes only minutes to read.

The devotionals are organized in five different categories:

  • God Speaks — inviting us to marvel at the reality that God invites us into relationship by revealing himself to us
  • Habits — helping us see the importance of being disciplined in our relationship with God by building habits that help us “take full advantage of all God offers us through Christ Jesus”
  • We Listen — hearing from God by reading Scripture
  • We Speak — speaking to God through prayer
  • We Belong — participating in the local church

The content is solid. What I really appreciate about this book is how beautifully this content is presented. Goblin has done a great job creating graphics for the curated quotes. This book does what every good book should try to do: it not only presents truth, but it presents it beautifully.

I have a feeling that there are people who would never read a book on habits who will pick up this book and enjoy it. It looks good on a coffee table. It’s the kind of book you can browse through and benefit from for a few minutes at a time.

I can picture somebody using this book as a devotional. I can also picture it being used as a coffee table book to browse through, or as a gift book to give to others on special occasions.

This book is itself the embodiment of habits built over a long time. What I appreciate about Challies the most is how faithful and consistent he’s been for many years. He’s served the church well through his blog and his books. He’s modeled what it looks like to serve God faithfully through joy and through adversity. This book is the result of his faithful work, along with Goblin’s.

Get this book. Don’t just read it, but meditate on it. Enjoy its images. Aim to develop these habits in your life. Use the truths within this book to help fuel your desire for God.

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Knowing and Enjoying God
Darryl Dash

Darryl Dash

I'm a grateful husband, father, oupa, and pastor of Grace Fellowship Church Don Mills. I love learning, writing, and encouraging. I'm on a lifelong quest to become a humble, gracious old man.
Toronto, Canada