May 2019 Theology Pub

Theology Pub

Register by May 23, 2019.

On Monday, May 27 at 7PM, Craig Carter will be speaking about his book Interpreting Scripture with the Great Tradition: Recovering the Genius of Premodern Exegesis.

Dr. Craig Carter

In his new book, Interpreting Scripture with the Great Tradition: Recovering the Genius of Premodern Exegesis, (Baker 2018), Craig Carter argues that faithful pastors often interpret the Old Testament in a more accurate and responsible manner than most academic, historical critical studies do. The reason is that these pastors benefit from standing in a long ecclesial tradition of viewing the text as the Word of God and refuse to reduce the meaning to nothing but the conscious intention of the original human author in the original historical situation. Because of the reality of divine inspiration, the OT text often has a Christological layer of meaning that was not always fully understood even by the original authors and readers. This sensus plenior includes not just predictive prophecy, but also typology and patterns of multiple fulfillments.

This book investigates how contemporary interpreters can move beyond the straitjacket of historical criticism to an appreciation of the role of Divine authorial intention in biblical interpretation. Academic hermeneutics needs to be reformed using insights from the best practices of faithful, traditional, biblical interpretation.

Note: It would be helpful to bring a copy of the Bible (paper or electronic) to the meeting because Dr. Carter will give an example or two of the sort of premodern exegesis he is recommending.

Craig A. Carter (PhD, University of St. Michael’s College) is professor of theology at Tyndale University College and Seminary in Toronto, Ontario. He previously served as vice president and academic dean at Crandall University and at Tyndale University College.

Tickets are free. Buy your own meal and drinks; we will pass the hat to cover the meals and drinks of the speaker. The pub will take place from 7 to 10 PM at Sarah’s Cafe (1426 Danforth Avenue), close to the Greenwood subway station.

Please RSVP by May 23 to reserve your seat.

Interpreting Scripture with the Great Tradition
May 2019 Theology Pub
Darryl Dash

Darryl Dash

I'm a grateful husband, father, oupa, and pastor of Grace Fellowship Church East Toronto. I love learning, writing, and encouraging. I'm on a lifelong quest to become a humble, gracious old man.
Toronto, Canada