Podcast: I enjoyed talking to my wife Charlene about the importance of the body in the Christian life on the Gospel for Life podcast.
Course: My “Helping Others Grow” course is on sale
In 1998, I traveled to Israel. I don’t remember much. I saw most of it through the lens of a video camera. I have a file on my computer — painful to watch
Since starting the Gospel for Life podcast, I’ve interviewed a couple of dozen people. This episode’s guest is my favorite so far.
Charlene Dash is a gospel-integrated nutrition coach. She supports
Curated links for your weekend reading:
The Longest Years of Ministry
Maybe I can say something here that, by God’s grace, will strengthen a brother’s weary hands.
Productivity Without Burnout: 8
Dear wounded pastor,
You’re not alone.
I want you to consider for a moment the company you keep. It’s pretty amazing. They locked Charles Simeon out of his own church. They