Most Popular Posts of 2017

Here are my ten most popular posts from 2017 in descending order:
I’m sad that I won’t have another chance to see Haddon for now, but I’m grateful that he’s safely home. I’m thankful that his legacy will live on, not only through his students but through those who benefit because he taught so many how to preach.
Surprising Advice From Two Older Saints
Both Piper and Miller seem to have a long-term plan to grow, even in weakness, and to do hard things. May their tribe increase as we follow the surprising advice of older saints.
The Church That Should Have Died
May many more churches buck the trend and call pastors who ignore the trends, preach, pray, love, and lead their churches to pursue biblical faithfulness. Who knows? God may choose to bless these churches. But if not, they’ll still have been faithful.
I hate death. There’s every reason to fear it. But a look at God and his promises is enough to help us. His smile reassures us that we can cross safely into his presence, even when facing the scariest drop-off of our lives.
Continue to read new books, but find some old books that have stood the test of time. Treasure them. Struggle through them. Look for ancient treasures, and surface them for today. We could all benefit by reading old books.
I’m grateful for the day that Jack changed. It reminds me of how I need to change by continually revisiting these two foundational issues:
- live for God’s glory, not mine
- live in the Holy Spirit’s power, not my own
From Pastor to Planter: An Interview With Domenic Ruso
Domenic Ruso has a Ph.D. in Historical Theology. He’s served as teaching pastor and lead pastor in large established churches.
I was fascinated when he moved to Québec in 2015 to start a new church. Domenic has kind enough to answer my questions about this transition and his new ministry.
One of My Biggest Ministry Mistakes
I’ve made plenty of mistakes in my ministry, but avoiding conflict was one of the biggest.
Why is ministry discouraging? Three reasons.
The Truth About Church Planting
Here’s the truth about church planting: it’s much harder than you’d think. It’s going to involve all kinds of work and suffering, and the results will sometimes seem meager. But it’s worth it.