Saturday Links

Saturday Links

Links for your weekend reading:

Move Over, Sex and Drugs. Ease Is the New Vice.

Do modern amenities make it tough for us to embody God’s love?

Hug the Parade: Ministry Challenges (and Opportunities) in Transient Places

Planting a church is hard work in any context. Planting in transient places, though, can make it feel like permanence and sustainability are nothing more than the stuff of myths and legends.

Six Thoughts After Six Years of a Public Church Plant

Here are six things I have learned over the six years since we first publicly planted Providence Church Midland.

The Four Biblical Marks of Corporate Worship

Our attempts to improve Christian worship may, in fact, distract from it. Often, less actually is more. There can be a beauty in simplicity. We might do well to de-clutter our worship services.

Recommendations for Churches Dealing with Abuse

Like any other institution churches are susceptible to the twin plagues of the abuse of power and sexual misconduct. How should a church respond when such things are alleged or exposed?

My column this week at The Gospel Coalition Canada: A Stop Doing List for Pastors

Business author Jim Collins suggests we develop a “stop doing” list so that we discard activities that don’t fit because of our passions and convictions. I like that idea, but rather than making up our own, I suggest we borrow from Paul’s list of activities that have no place in Christian ministry, all found in 2 Corinthians.
Saturday Links
Darryl Dash

Darryl Dash

I'm a grateful husband, father, oupa, and pastor of Grace Fellowship Church Don Mills. I love learning, writing, and encouraging. I'm on a lifelong quest to become a humble, gracious old man.
Toronto, Canada