Saturday Links
Curated links for your weekend reading:
5 Foundations That Lead to Compromise on Sexual Ethics
From what I’ve observed, most deconstructing Christians who shift on sexual ethics come from a faith background that has one (or more) of these precarious foundations.
With This Much Rot, There’s No Choice but to Deconstruct
Yes, deconstruction is risky. It always entails the danger of throwing out the baby with the bathwater. And as a church body, during these messy processes, it is our job to help hold those babies — but it is also our job to help dump that dirty water down the drain.
Why Pastors Would Do Well to Stay in Our Lane
Let’s give our energy to that which we hold exclusively — the life-changing gospel of Jesus Christ. And let’s not overextend that gospel in such a way that it mutes the areas where it is principally concerned.
Good News, Ordinary Pastor! You Don’t Need a Winning Personality
The Spirit uses ordinary means of grace to accomplish extraordinary works, and Christ uses ordinary stewards of that grace to broker extraordinary influence for his kingdom.
Each of us has every right to make other people’s steps lighter, to add cheer to their hearts, to add rest to their souls. But none of us has any right to unnecessarily discourage them, to burden them, to add to their sorrow.
My column this week at The Gospel Coalition Canada: Four Qualities of a Good Church in a Secular World
A lot of things don’t matter much in ministry, but these four things matter a lot: sound doctrine, the ability to answer the questions of the day, true spirituality, and the beauty of human relationships.