Saturday Links

Curated links for your weekend reading:
Maybe I can say something here that, by God’s grace, will strengthen a brother’s weary hands.
Productivity Without Burnout: 8 Lessons from John Gill
How does a productive pastor not burn out? I didn’t expect to find the answer from John Gill.
A benediction chiefly functions not as a prayer, but as a pronouncement of God’s minister about God’s disposition toward His people.
Pursuing Revival While Avoiding Revivalism
Our goal with this Journal is to help you as pastors, ministry leaders, and missionaries better recognize these two ways of doing ministry, that you might better rely on the Lord as you serve the Lord.
My column this week at The Gospel Coalition Canada: My Seven-Year Plan for Reading the Bible
There’s no one way to read the Bible, but I commend this method to anyone who’s up to a challenge.