Saturday Links

Curated links for your weekend reading:
Looking Back: 3 Lessons from My Deepest Valley
Looking back from the vantage point of a decade, I find three lessons coming to the fore – lessons which may just help others, whether they be fellow sufferers or those seeking to minister to them.
Screen Sabbaths: A Modest Proposal for a Digital World
Taking disciplined time away from screens may not be the only way to live in the digital world without being conformed to it, but it is one good way.
Pastor, Don’t Forget to Add Personal Evangelism to Your Crazy Schedule
Realistically, many of us will need to rethink some of our time commitments if we want to lead our churches to obey the Great Commission.
What we front and centre – if they are going to be won at all – is what they will be won to. If we front and centre anything other than Jesus and the Word of God, we will be winning them to something much less, something deficient.
The Essentials of a Competent Sermon
There are two basic things every sermon must do. I would argue, if you have done these two essential things, then your sermon has at least been competent.
The one thing the gospel never does is nothing. Under the preaching of the gospel, no one remains the same. We are either moving closer to God or further from him. No one remains neutral. No one remains unchanged. We soften, or we harden.
Let’s Hear It For the Failures
The only way to guard against all failure is to attempt nothing at all. But that, of course, is its own form of failure.