Saturday Links

Curated links for your weekend reading:
Book Awards and Lists
From For the Church, The Gospel Coalition, Aaron Armstrong, Kevin Halloran, David Kaywood, Russell Moore, and Trevin Wax
Two Quotations on Slow Reading
There is power in reading slowly.
Does Sexual Self-Gratification Glorify God?
The best rubric for Christian ethical decisions about sex isn’t merely “Does the Bible forbid it?” but rather “Does the act fulfill the explicit purposes for which God created sex?”
Sister, Don’t Fight Pornography Alone
Pornography is a real temptation for women. And it’s likely that we either struggle with this temptation ourselves or we know a woman who does.
The Glory of Church Graveyards
Here are five reasons I think there is glory in a church having a graveyard attached to it.
The new December 2022 issue of Themelios has 211 pages of editorials, articles, and book reviews.
My column this week at The Gospel Coalition Canada: Lessons from the Hardest Year
Ten years ago, we went through the hardest season of our lives. I wouldn’t wish that season on anyone, but God taught us lessons we wouldn’t have learned otherwise.