Saturday Links

Curated links for your weekend reading:
4 Benefits of Developing Position Papers in a Ministry Context and 2 Inabilities of Position Papers in a Ministry Context
Going through the process of developing position papers increased our clarity, confidence, compassion, and consistency.
Pornography Poisons Everything
Pornography, especially in the digital age, is an unmitigated disaster for every level of society.
Truthful Witness and the Transgender Debate
How can we expect the next generation to be biblically grounded if we don’t explain and expound Christian conviction about the goodness and givenness of our bodies, if we fail to offer clear and coherent answers from Scripture about the nature of humanity and our gendered selves?
What Comes to Mind When You Think of Heaven?
How do we increase our desires to be in the new creation? Here are four ways to help ourselves and others along the journey home.
Martyn Lloyd-Jones, April Witkowski & the Myth of the Wasted Ministry
We should not discount the ordinary means of grace at work now, believing that all is a waste until the arrival of the extraordinary.
How to Know If It’s Time to Leave Pastoral Ministry
In hard seasons — or even in healthy seasons — how does a pastor know if he’s supposed to persevere or if it’s time to be done?
“Did you do what you could? Then Jesus finds your offering beautiful.”
Quietness of heart before God is more powerful than prominence of position before man.
My column this week at The Gospel Coalition Canada: Thoughts on Finishing Well
The older I get, the more I want to simply finish well.