Saturday Links

Curated links for your weekend reading:
The Paradox of Ease: Why Friction Is Good for You
Without resistance, without friction, we will not be happy. Neither will we be good.
Things Change and Things Stay the Same
As I have read, I have become fascinated by how many of today’s concerns were also the concerns of our forebears.
True discipleship involves wielding the Word and prayer to help those you’re investing in follow Christ.
If God still calls you to preach, stand up with whatever notes, voice, or limitation you possess and herald Jesus Christ.
A proper vow answers the question “What will you do?” not “How do you feel?”
My column this week at The Gospel Coalition Canada: One Day, One Faith: The Story of the Toronto Gospel Alliance’s Joint Good Friday Service
In this culturally diverse city, this annual Good Friday service stands as a testament to the enduring power of the gospel.