Building Margin Into Your Life Sep 17, 2000 16 min read topical To live a good life, create margin—space between your load and limits—by seeking contentment, recognizing your limits, and taking regular breaks.
Facing Failure Aug 27, 2000 15 min read topical God's grace surpasses human failure, and by accepting our imperfections and relying on His love, we can approach failures with hope.
Hot Potatoes: God’s Will Aug 6, 2000 18 min read topical Living according to God's will involves committing to him, seeking guidance, applying biblical teachings, aligning dreams with His purposes, and trusting that obedience brings fulfillment.
Hot Potatoes: Tolerance Jul 30, 2000 14 min read topical Build your life on the solid foundation of God's Word to challenge the modern philosophies undermining universal truth.
Hot Potatoes: Belief Systems (Acts 17:16-34) Jul 23, 2000 16 min read Acts Discerningly evaluate belief systems instead of blindly accepting them, as there is ultimate truth revealed through Jesus Christ.