Mike Wittmer has a specialty. He takes theological confusion, clarifies the issues, and then shows how this theological clarity matters to our lives. He’s done this with a number of topics, most
“I used to think that the book of Job is in the Bible because this story of suffering is so extreme, so rare, improbable, and unusual,” said Ray Ortlund in a recent sermon.
Churches that believe the gospel are common. Churches whose cultures are shaped by the gospel are not. In his excellent book Samson and the Pirate Monks, Nate Larkin describes the time when, as
A lot of ink has been spilled lately on the topic of sanctification. How exactly do we grow as Christians? What is the relationship between the Spirit’s work and our own efforts
Just a few years ago, many of Tim Keller’s sermon manuscripts were all on paper. He talked about this in a sermon in 1994:
In my life, I have about a thousand