Book Reviews


We’re planting a church in downtown Toronto, but we’re trying to do a little more than that. We are trying to discover how to plant churches in the condo communities in

Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less

I recently asked Joshua Becker, blogger at Becoming Minimalist, how his faith intersects with his minimalism. His reply: @DashHouse It forms the very foundation (Luke 18:18-23, Matthew 6:19-21, Luke 3:11,

Review and Giveaway: What’s Best Next

I used to be organized. I read all the books; I attended the seminars; I have the apps. I’ve created ideal weeks, set S.M.A.R.T. goals, and used every

Review and Giveaway: Thanking God with Integrity

It seems fitting to follow yesterday’s post on Saying Grace with a brief book review and giveaway of a short new book from World Vision called Thanking God with Integrity: Table Graces