I have a library of almost 3,000 books. Sadly, most of them are in storage. I no longer have a dedicated office, and there simply isn’t room for more than 100
Each generation of believers faces a unique set of challenges. These challenges shape the church and present us with the question: how do we respond effectively and faithfully?
In Pressure Points: Twelve Global
If you want a philosophy of ministry, I’m not your guy. I’ve written them. I’ve even assigned and graded them. I don’t like most of them, though. Some are
We face some uncomfortable truths. Our churches in North America are busy. We’re pretty good at running programs and services. But there are problems:
* We’re not always sure we are making
I finished Steven Pressfield’s book Turning Pro: Tap Your Inner Power and Create Your Life’s Work
just the other day. It’s good, and I enjoyed reading it, just like I