I spoke to someone recently who first pastored an established church, and then became a planter. The level of spiritual attack intensified greatly when he became a church planter. It’s hard to
Pastors have a problem. The problem is simple, according to Shawn Lovejoy:
Somewhere along our ministry journey, things got tangled up in our hearts and heads. Our root problem is that we have
Jeff Goins has earned a place in my Google Reader. He’s consistently putting out good material on writing. In particular, he’s really good at busting through the some of the excuses
There were moments in reading Evangellyfish
that I felt guilty. For one thing, it’s a book with violence (one pastor punches another) and sex — not graphic sex, but sex nonetheless. I also
“How did church planting become such a spiritual crapshoot?” asks Ben Arment, author of Church in the Making: What Makes or Breaks a New Church Before it Starts
. According to Arment, church plants