Book Reviews

Review: Why Catholics Are Right

Michael Coren, a Canadian radio and television talk show host, is never one to shy away from controversy. It’s not surprising, therefore, that he would write a book called Why Catholics Are

Book Review: The Last Enemy

I can’t imagine writing a book proposal for a book on death. Intended audience? Everyone. Marketing plan? That’s the hard part. How do you market a book on death? It’s

Review: The Power of Habit

Quick: What did you do this morning? Chances are that you did the same thing you did yesterday. We are creatures of routine. “All of our life, so far as it has definite

Review: From the Resurrection to His Return

This book doesn’t have much going for it. It’s short, and takes some 20 minutes to read. There’s hardly an original thought in this book. It’s simply regurgitating ideas

Review – The Pastor: A Memoir

Eugene Peterson is known in some circles as the guy who got a little too excited about The Shack , the guy who stuck up for Rob Bell, and the guy who created The