It seems that books come and go as fast as periodicals. Some books, however, have staying power.
It’s hard to predict which books from the past forty or so years will become
I read a lot of books, but there are only a handful that have changed me as much as The Heart of a Servant Leader by C. John Miller. I bought this book
Think you need an elaborate plan before you can start a business? Think again. As Chris Guillebeau writes in The $100 Startup, you need precious little: a small venture, a very small amount
Jen Pollock Michel has written a book that I wish I’d read a long time ago. It’s called Teach Us to Want: Longing, Ambition, and the Life of Faith. A review
Every once in a while, I need to pick up Everyday Church: Gospel Communities on Mission and reread the first chapter to remind myself what is true about our context.
Let me confess: