
28 Seconds

Michael Bryant had everything: an impressive new job, two great kids, a marriage to a high achiever, a house in the nice part of town, an impressive resume, and all the right connections.

The Most Practical Thing

I love this quote from Tim Keller’s Center Church: A pastor should be marked by humility, love, joy, and wisdom that is visible and that attracts people to trust and learn from

Prone to Wander: A Guest Post by Daniel Darling

This is a guest post by Daniel Darling, author of the new book Real: Owning Your Christian Faith . Real is being released tomorrow. In the last several decades there has been much angst

What’s Your Issue?

I’m struck by this list of twenty issues that Christian leaders face. It’s found in an excellent new book called Gospel Coach: Shepherding Leaders to Glorify God . 1. I’m really