Emerging Church

What is the Emerging Church?

Looking forward to reading this paper by Scot McKnight (snippet from TSK): Here’s my point: if you narrow the emerging movement to Emergent Village, and especially to the postmodernist impulse therein, you

James Grier on preaching in a postmodern culture

Spent the day at Heritage Seminary yesterday listening to James Grier talk about “Preaching in a Postmodern Culture”. This is a subject that could go horribly wrong if it fell into the wrong

Why I really like Reformed guys

If I was part of the Reformed movement, I would be really worried about the latest issue of Christianity Today which proclaims them trendy. I know these guys and believe me, they don’

Tim Keller on Emergent

From Paul Martin’s blog (TK = Tim Keller; JT = Justin Taylor): TK: If you define evangelicalism in a John Stott kind of way, the seeker movement is inside evangelicalism. The emergent church is