
Substantive sermons

Ray Van Neste writes that, contrary to what many think, people do indeed want substantive sermons: Preachers are often told that people really are not interested in substantive content in sermons. I know

Two ways to read the Bible

Tim Keller writes: Ed Clowney points out that if we ever tell a particular          Bible story without putting it into the overall main Bible story (about          Christ), we actually change the meaning of

Time spent in the study

Fred Craddock on the importance of study in a pastor's ministry: Time spent in study is never getting away from daily work but getting into daily work. The hours of study

The sermon vs. the Word of God

Here's an interesting question. What gets more attention when we gather to worship: the sermon or the Word of God?Even in churches that emphasize the public reading of Scripture, I

A layman’s advice to preachers

Tim Ellsworth has some great advice for preachers, including this: Talk less about yourself and more about God. Too many times after I’ve listened to a sermon, I could tell you quite