
The tragedy of leadership as self-performance

A package from Intervarsity UK just arrived in the mail with three books, including the hard-to-get Total Church. Looking forward to reading this one. Flipping through it, I found this quote that touches

The leadership that we need

Ron Heifetz describes the leadership we usually look for, compared to the leadership we really need, in Leadership Without Easy Answers: In a crisis we tend to look for the wrong kind of

God and church vision statements

It’s now generally accepted that if you are going to be a leader, you need vision. I generally buy this. Some of the most effective leaders I know have modeled this for

A different kind of church leadership

I need to read this every once in a while because I forget. It’s from Jim Kallam’s Risking Church: We want ministry to be explained in terms that allow us to

The myth of the omni-competent leader

Eventually all of us run into our limitations. It’s here that we face a choice: do we hide and mask our weaknesses, or do we let those weaknesses drive us to the