
Sabbatical Advice

It’s a difficult thing for a pastor to take a sabbatical. Most of us have no idea what to do. Many churches don’t have policies to guide them. Here are some

The Vows You Made

Some 15 years ago, Charlene came into my study at church one day. I was busy; I can’t remember exactly what I was doing. I spoke to her, but make it clear

On Reaching Millenials

I have a friend who messages me every time he comes across an article on how to reach millennials. He’s threatening to post a conglomeration of the best bits and post them

Pastors: Get Low

Jared Wilson’s bio always cracks me up: Jared is not a catalytic "agent of change" or a visionary anything. He is a failed church planter and once made a mess

Four Notes on Conflict

He stood inches from my face and yelled. I wondered if he would make a fist and belt me. The rest of the leaders sat silent, stunned. He stormed out of the meeting