
Elephants and Fleas

Church planters under 30 whom I’m meeting don’t seem interested in planting churches that will become megachurches. Rather, they want reproducible small churches – which, incidentally, matches what’s happening in the

Accountability Software

From This is a FREE program helping with online integrity. Whenever you browse the Internet and access a site which may contain questionable material, the program will save the site name

C.S. Lewis on Sex

From The Four Loves: I can hardly help regarding it as one of God’s jokes that a passion so soaring, so apparently transcendent, as Eros, should thus be linked in incongruous symbiosis

War on Iraq

Simple answers to complicated questions drive me crazy. I’m not convinced by the stand of those who marched for peace this past weekend. Their positions seem pretty simple, almost naive at times.

Most Powerful Person

They say that the President of the United States is the most powerful person on earth. Last week, UN Chief Weapons Inspector Hans Blix stopped the President dead in his tracks, or at