As Charlene hinted, I had a bad day on Sunday. (Disclaimer: my son thinks stupid is bad word. I live with the language police.) During the morning service, we prayed for the 200
This always happens. I’m preaching on loving your enemies this week. Not a big deal since I really don’t have any real enemies. No real big grudges, life is good. Then
From Preaching Today:
Twenty students and two professors stared at the handwriting on the wall. One by one, students in a seminary preaching class were to project on overheads their first attempts at
Part of my year two project at Gordon-Conwell is preaching a first-person narrative sermon. Today was the day. I had fun preparing. The passage was Luke 5, where Jesus helps Peter catch fish
One of the critiques of preaching is that it is an abuse of power; that someone gets up and speaks while everyone is stuck listening. What makes that person’s contribution so important?