From Preaching Today:
Twenty students and two professors stared at the handwriting on the wall. One by one, students in a seminary preaching class were to project on overheads their first attempts at
It’s been a good second residency so far, different from last year in a lot of ways. The highlight: seeing everyone again. There is wisdom in the cohort idea. You really do
It’s Wednesday, hump day of our first week here in Boston. Charlene and I have been battling colds. That’s made for a slow start to the fun. Today, Charlene, my mother,
David Wells writes in No Place for Truth, a book that is required reading for my Doctor of Ministry program:
Not surprisingly, in recent years seminaries have found it important to think of
What I learned at my first residency, most of which wasn’t in the syllabus: You can be 72 (almost 73) and very cool. Haddon had incredible character and grace. He understands the