* this evening we’re going to look at how to serve God with excellence
* within each of our hearts is a desire to serve God and make an eternal difference
* the fact is
* over the next three weeks, we’re going to talk about an area of struggle that affects every single person in this room
* it’s the area of forgiveness
* at sometime during the
* please turn with me tonight to 1 Timothy 3:14
* (1 Timothy 3:14) Although I hope to come to you soon, I am writing you these instructions so that,
* (1 Timothy 3:
* this morning we’re going to look at man’s oldest problem: temptation
* this is something that goes as far back as Adam, yet is as contemporary as today
* you may feel a
* please open your Bibles to 1 Timothy 3 tonight
* we’ve been looking at the first manual ever written on how to run a church
* you might remember that it was written by