Social Justice & Compassion

Winning hearts, not twisting arms

Some more thoughts on Christians values and culture, this time from Charles Colson in the February 2006 Christianity Today. I love the subtitle, “Changing the law isn’t enough.” To change the culture,

The City of God and the City of Man

If you’re interested in the culture war debate, and how Christians should engage culture, Desiring God has a great survey of literature on the topic. Looks like there’s some good material

Why we shouldn’t legislate Christian values

My post on politics the other day has sparked some discussion. For instance, George asks: “Wasn’t our country founded on Christian principles and values? Do we as Christians now have a problem

Unfortunate but perhaps apt metaphor

Rick Warren compares the Purpose Driven paradigm to Windows: “Personal computers have brand names. But inside every pc is an Intel chip and an operating system, Windows,” Warren says. “The Purpose Driven paradigm

How can they not intervene

When I was a kid, I remember wondering how the world could have let the Holocaust happen. I think I understand a bit more now. We repeat this mistake all the time. I’