Some more thoughts on Christians values and culture, this time from Charles Colson in the February 2006 Christianity Today. I love the subtitle, “Changing the law isn’t enough.”
To change the culture,
If you’re interested in the culture war debate, and how Christians should engage culture, Desiring God has a great survey of literature on the topic. Looks like there’s some good material
My post on politics the other day has sparked some discussion. For instance, George asks: “Wasn’t our country founded on Christian principles and values? Do we as Christians now have a problem
Rick Warren compares the Purpose Driven paradigm to Windows:
“Personal computers have brand names. But inside every pc is an Intel chip and an operating system, Windows,” Warren says. “The Purpose Driven paradigm
When I was a kid, I remember wondering how the world could have let the Holocaust happen. I think I understand a bit more now. We repeat this mistake all the time.