
I’m switching back

Turns out Rev. Mike, Jordon, and LT may have been right after all. I’m switching back to a PC. Here’s why. Via

My problem with podcasting

I can skim about a hundred blogs in the time it takes me to listen to one podcast. I may give you a couple of minutes at the beginning but you had better

Mac vs. PC

Seems a lot like the Coke vs. Pepsi debate – and yes, I have feelings about that too. I think Mac is superior in a lot of ways, but in the end the decision

How Microsoft could win me back

It’s now been five months since I switched and my iBook still runs better than ever. It’s sleek and elegant and when I open it up, it just works – no waiting


Spent the first part of this long weekend lined up for two hours to get into the new Apple Store at Yorkdale (first Apple store in Canada). Two hours for what? A lousy