
Feed a Fever

I’m constantly trying to scale back on the number of blogs I read. The problem isn’t finding good blogs. The problem the embarrassment of riches we face. I want to learn

Make It Harder to Access Porn

I remember someone asking Haddon Robinson about issues that pastors need to address. He thought for a minute before replying that pornography is a big issue in our churches. Many men – and women

Web Apps I Use

Harvard Business Review has a list of 8 apps that can help make you more productive. Some of the apps are definitely worth checking out. Here are five web apps I use on

Tip: Remove Bacn from Your Inbox

We all struggle with email. Here’s the single best thing I’ve done recently my inbox under control. I created a Bacn folder (or label if you’re using GMail). Bacn is

Amazon Launches Kindle Match

Amazon announced today that they’re doing for books what Apple has done for music. iTunes Match stores your entire collection of music in the cloud, including music you’ve ripped off CDs